Saturday 13 August 2011

Blog 1

Sitting here reading my manuals and statistics, it occurred to me that there is simply not enough of this 'stuff' out there that is easy to get access to, so...

Some information about one aspect of training...

Training Zones

These are specific to the individual, these are (sadly) mine, the product of doing almost all of my training with the aim of 'feeling like I have worked hard', sound familiar?

The point is that we need to work all of our 'Zones' to ensure that we gain the physiological adaptations (changes in our bodies) that will allow us to enjoy our sports activity more and, if desired perform at a higher level...

The above diagram is biased towards showing the usage of 'Fats' as a primary (but not exclusive) fuel source, below is the same set of figures biased towards Carbohydrates as the primary fuel source.

As you can see, same figures, just a different perspective.

And the purpose of this information?
Well, if you know what your body is doing, you are closer to getting control of your training. We are 'blessed' with living a time of immediacy, next day delivery from around the world and instant 'downloads', our minds have quickly evolved. Our bodies have not.

If you want to improve your fitness, it will take time and working hard all the time will not always lead to the fastest results.

Some days, you are genuinely better off doing nothing and recovering than doing a hard work out. Of course, we are all individual and some of us have bodies that can tolerate more activity that other before we need to back off and take it easy, but we all share the same fundamental physiology...

Back to the purpose 
Simple, plan rest days and train at different levels of intensity and understand what each is doing for you.

Enjoy your training

for more information

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